Mr. Muñoz's Super Stars

Friday, February 11, 2005

College or Bust !!!!!

We are determined to go to College!

PAC 10 here we come!

Monday, February 07, 2005


Your 6 week progress reports will go out Feb. 11, 2005
Eco-System Project
Do not forget to work on your project a little at a time.
It is going to be due the first day we come back!
No exceptions!
Remember to Include:
Organism (Complete Essay *Expository Rules)
Eco-System Model (Complete Essay with explanation of Model)
Predator vs Prey Column (Short Essay)
Habitat (Short Essay)
Daily Life (Short Essay)
Interesting Facts (Short List)

Homework Week of Feb. 7-11, 2005

Math: Ch. 3 Lesson 7 (evens)
Science: Eco-System Research - "Daily Life" + Voc. 2X
Math: Ch. 3 Lesson 8 (evens)
Math Test Tomorrow
Science: Eco-System Research - "Daily Life" + Voc. 2X
Math: No HW
Turn in make-ups!
Science: Eco-System Research - "Daily Life" + Voc. 2X
Math: NO H.W.
Turn in make-ups !
Science: Eco-System Research - "Daily Life"
Math: No HW
Science: Project Due When we return!